About | Jenny Pond
Hey there!
If you've landed on this page I'm guessing you want to know a bit more about the Artist behind the work you've been looking at? Well you're in luck! Let me tell you a bit about myself and JPArtwork!
10 fun facts to start off I reckon would be a good start, before I delve into my Art related history!
- I love fruit, and haven't yet found one I don't like! Blueberries, sweet Watermelon and Apples are favourites, amd I enjoy all other plants too!
- No, wait... I hate Celery...but don't we all??
- I've a cat called Lola, she's a Calicio and a furry ball of 'trumble' (my family's term for trouble and menace rolled into one)! But she's my beloved fur-baby and despite always pestering for food - and sometimes licking the oil bottle (why??) - she's pretty damn near perfect!
- I like to colour my hair and have always done it myself because if it fails, I only have me to blame! I did have a hairdresser do it at first, but it went wrong the 2nd time...
- I love Jigsaw Puzzles, and one time when Nan was staying with us we did 9 in 2 weeks :D ...totalling 9,500 pieces!
- I love Marmite to a point it could be a problem...I have no issues with eating it from the jar. IT. IS. SO. GOOD.
- What else? I once ran the Reading Half Marathon, but haven't jogged in years so past me puts present me to shame there!
- I can spell Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious and you can ask me in person to prove it, seeing as typing it on a laptop with access to the internet probably isn't convincing!
- I have 6 piercings (both nostrils, both lobes, 2 at the top of my right ear) and 4 tattoos ('Wanderlust' and a flamingo silhouette on my inner right upper arm, and 'Durchzusetzen' and Crystals on my inner left upper arm) and I often forget I have them!
- I love to sew. I can hand sew toys, or machine sew clothing; the possibilities are endless!
Now wasn't that fun? I hope so, at least you know a bit more a bit me. But for those wondering about more art based things, here goes!
For qualifications I've an A* in Art at GCSE level (16 years of age), and a Triple Distinction for the BTEC National Diploma in Art & Design at College level (18 years of age). My FMP (Final Major Project) at College was in Fashion Design, and originally that was the career I had wanted to pursue.
I quickly earned a place at Glamorgan University (now known a Cardiff University) but decided to defer for a year, to find when the time came my mind had changed about my future pursuits. I had been drawing all Summer and felt knewly inspired for different routes, so switched to Graphic Design with the hopes it would suit me better.
It didn't. 4 months in I left and I can honestly say it was the best decision I could have made; the short spell at University had depleated my motivation and I wasn't doing anything creative by the end of it.
A few years later I returned to a former love; Acrylics. Frequently throughout School and College I focussed projects around Acrylic Painting, or made sure the final outcome involved it somehow, and revisiting it was like lighting an old flame again.
Painting has provided me with so much, from increased skill level, to a well practiced patience that allows me to cope with testing situations in life. My own personal well being has improved, and the healing I find when I paint is undeniable; it distracts me for hours and keeps my mind focussed on something beautiful instead of distracted by the uglier sides it often gets lost in.
I naturally choose colours which bring more joy and light into my own life, and by backdropping mixes of blended (by brush) vibrant colour palettes behind beautiful (and often colourful) animals, I create something I adore which warms my heart.
I bring these three loves of mine together: painting, animals, and colour for myself, but through JPArtwork I have been able to share it with the World. Seeing other people experience the same positive emotions as I do when they see and own my work is a true delight and a feeling I can't fully explain, but thinking about brings a smile to face.
I am self taught mostly, with my Qualifications in the art area being broad and about expanding skill sets instead of focussing solely on one.
I'm always learning - with each painting I do being a fraction better than the one before it - and the improvements I have made so far continues to amaze me.
I can't wait to see what the future brings, and if you've read this far...thank you! Any further questions I'm always willing to answer; you can contact me via my email, Instagram or Facebook page!
Have a wonderful day, wherever you are <3
Jenny x
Email: jpartwork@outlook.com