Why did I restart the Flamingo painting? October 5, 2019Things my end have been quiet for a while on the blog; I've been a busy bee and painted a new piece! Read on to find out more including: details...
Why is the Amazon important? August 31, 2019The Amazon is the world's largest Rainforest, covering 2.72 millions square miles (6.9 million square kilometres) with roughly 16,000 species of tree, and 390 billion individual trees. The Amazon has a tipping...
Help me Save the Amazon Rainforest! August 30, 2019Are you aware of the situation in Brazil at the moment? The Amazon Rainforest has been burning for weeks at an alarming rate due to fires started by man. 25% of print...
Back to School Bank Holiday Discount! August 23, 2019 With 17 days to go I thought instead of the planned 15% discount, why not bump it up to 17%?? The discount covers everything in the Back to School Collection
'Strategies, Strategies, Strategies!!' | The Daily Artfart August 22, 2019You guessed it, it's strategy time! [...] Get rid of paper; if you're never going to look at it again, get rid of it! [...] Recycle anything you no longer look at,...
'How to be more efficient; strategies anyone can use at home or in the workplace!' | The Daily Artfart August 15, 2019What strategies do you currently use to become more efficient? I don't have very many, sometimes I'm able to focus my mindset in the right direction and get an hour or...